Εκτύπωση αυτής της σελίδας


  • Δευτέρα, 03 Μαρτίου 2003
Either with the UN, or with Iraq   Millions of people on February 15 went to demonstrate in favor of peace. Independently from their will however they demonstrated in favor of war.
Because those who are at the head of these demonstrations and coordinate them in world scale propound a demand of war: That Iraq must be disarmed from the UN. The disarmament is an action that suppresses the sovereignty of a country and it is possible only with the exercise of violence on this country or with the threat of violence to be exercised on the country. The disarmament of Iraq, even from conventional arms that the UN imposes to it today via UN’s inspectors, is “peaceful” only because USA and England immediately threaten Iraq with invasion. If those that now push forward the process of the UN, that is to say Russia and China and at second place France, wanted peace they would demand the immediate withdrawal of the American army from the Persian Gulf. But then how could inspectors disarm Iraq “peacefully”? The method of the UN is that USA presses the revolver on the head of Iraq, in order that Iraq accepts to disarm. It is the variant of “armed robbery without murder”.
The difference between USA and Russia is the following: USA want the invasion in order to reverse the whole Iraqi regime, while Russia wants the inspections in order to split up the Iraqi regime, that is to say to remove the heads and become the heir of the rest. It is characteristic that thanks to the pressure of inspectors, Russia achieved to have the, formerly almighty, Minister of Oil A. Raheed who confronted Russia, replaced with Al-Naijm, former ambassador of Baghdad in Moscow (January 7), and to make new agreements for the control of petroleum layers of Iraq (January 16). Also, it was the envoy of Putin, Primakov that “convinced” Saddam to accept the destruction of conventional missiles. The objective of the disarmament of Iraq even from conventional arms, as well as the objective of interrogations of Iraqi scientists from the inspectors, is to humiliate the current leadership of Iraq completely, and also to open ways and cracks within this leadership, in order that finally Saddam is forced to resign or to fall with a coup d’etat.
If Saddam falls in this way his successors will obligatorily be Russia and the remaining “peace-loving” surgeons, that thanks to their double-faced policy have already obtained privileged petroleum agreements, and, most of all, important political positions not only inside Iraq, but all around the Third World. If again Saddam does not succumb to the “surgeons”, they, turning their look away, will allow USA to shoot him. But in this case USA will have been so much hated worldwide that after they do the dirty business, they will be finally forced to deliver Iraq to the “peace-loving surgeons”.
That’s why false “demonstrations for peace” are organized precisely when Russia asks for a new extension in the UN in order to continue raping her victim, while USA don’t shoot, that’s why at the head of these demonstrations are the pro-Russian politicians such as Paparriga, Konstantopoulos and Laliotis (in Greece), that’s why one cannot find a banner reading: “Down with the war of the UN”, and specifically: “The American fleet must leave the Gulf. The inspectors must leave Iraq”, but, on the contrary, the UN is asked to insist on the “peace” road, that’s why at the end these demonstrations are also supported by the fascists worldwide.
It is at least naive to expect that Russian and Chinese neonazis, that are full with nuclear and biological weapons, will bring peace by exterminating a lower middle third world bully as Saddam, who after all was punished in 1991, while they, as well as the American superpower, were never punished accordingly.
Athens, March 3, 2003
(poster that was circulated in early March in Athens, Piraeus and other cities of Greece)